ENGAGE: Enabling the next generation of computational physicists and engineers
Advanced, high-performance computing and adapted, smart approaches to data analysis are now critical strategic enablers for opening horizons for scientific discovery and innovative engineering applications, enhancing European competitiveness and supporting the digitalization of society. Whether discovering new Physics or engineering new materials, advanced computing technologies allow us to exploit unprecedented large-scale simulations and complex data to gain deep insights into new phenomena and structures and provide usable results having widespread impact.
The rapid development of high-performance computing (HPC), data science approaches, such as machine and deep learning, and the emerging field of quantum computing, have the power to transform the way research is carried out across disciplines. Properly exploited, they can offer immense, possibly revolutionary opportunities for scientific discovery in a wide range of research areas such as physics, engineering, and material and biological sciences and can potentially deliver enormous societal impact. However, to effectively take advantage of these technologies, a new generation of scientists and engineers is required that is able to understand computer technologies, modelling and algorithms and, importantly, how to apply them to solve challenges in science and engineering.
The project “Enabling the next generation of computational physicists and engineers” (ENGAGE) is an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and multi-institutional project offering quality training to a total of 20 doctoral students in the fields of Computational High Energy Physics, Multiscale Systems and Synchrotron Light Applications. It aims to develop students’ competencies in High-Performance Computing, in methodologies at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science approaches and Quantum Computing.
Oct 24
ENGAGE Article: The influence of language on the construction of scientific output
Sep 24
ENGAGE Article: The difficult relationship between Allan and Barbie
Sep 24
ENGAGE Article: Compressibility of data in computational fluid dynamics
Jul 24
ENGAGE Article: Turning Noise into Insight: The Hidden Value in Unwanted Data
Degree awarding institutes
The doctoral research will be carried out at the 6 ENGAGE Degree Awarding Institutions:
- The Cyprus Institute – Cyprus
- Humboldt University of Berlin – Germany
- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen – Germany
- Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen – Germany
- University of Padova – Italy
- Technical University of Delft – Netherlands
and the 6 ENGAGE Research Facilities
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility – France
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Zeuthen) – Germany
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Hamburg) – Germany
- Max Planck Institute for Polymer research – Germany
- Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas – Greece
- Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East – Jordan
The list of supervisors in each institution can be found here
Funding and partners
The project “Enabling the next generation of computational physicists and engineers” (ENGAGE) has been selected by the European Commission as an innovative international and interdisciplinary doctoral programme in high-performance computing and smart approaches to data analysis. It is funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) COFUND scheme for a five-year period with a total amount of 3.5 million euros. In addition to 1.68 million euros from the European Union, there is co-financing from the participating partner organisations.